About us

The Hofklinik team offers highly qualified medical care for patients with both simple and complex sleep disorders. It is composed of specialists with experience in sleep medicine (neurology, psychiatry, pneumology, psychology, sleep technicians and nurses). The clear advantage of our multidisciplinary sleep center is the presence of a wide depth and breadth of expertise available at one institution.

We often collaborate with other specialists (including pneumologists, ENT - otorhinolaryngologists, dentists and oro-maxillofacial surgeons, neurologists, cardiologists) to evaluate and treat different sleep disorders. An example of such collaboration is the close cooperation with the swiss experts on Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation Therapy (tongue pacemaker) for Sleep Apnea in the Hospital of Liestal, Baselland.


German, English, Spanish, French



Heydy Lorena González

Medical director and co-owner of institution

Curriculum vitae (PDF)


Karin Blättler

Managing Director and co-owner of institution

medical cONSultants / NETWORK

Dr. med. Andreas Scherr

Specialist in Pneumology FMH, Internal Medicine FMH, Sleep Medicine SGSSC

Zürichstrasse 12, 6004 Lucerne


Dr. med. Max Wiederkehr

Specialist in Neurology

Neurologische Praxis Luzern
Lützelmattstrasse 3, 6006 Lucerne



Prof. Dr. med. Kurt Tschopp

Specialist in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology FMH

Kantonsspital Baselland
Rheinstrasse 26, 4410 Liestal


Dr. med. Christoph Knaus

Specialist Oto-Rhino-Laryngology FMH, Specialist in neck and facial surgery FMH

Kantonsspital Baselland
Rheinstrasse 26, 4410 Liestal


Dr. med. Mathias Henseler

Specialist Oto-Rhino-Laryngology FMH

HNO Praxis
Haldenstrasse 11, 6006 Lucerne


PD Dr. med. Dr. med. dent.
Christine Jacobsen

Specialist in Oral-, maxillofacial- and facial surgery

The FacialSurgery Team
Beethovenstrasse 9, 8002 Zurich


Dr. med., med. dent.
Matthias Kellenberger

Specialist in Oral-, maxillofacial- and facial surgery

Seehofstrasse 7, 6004 Lucerne


PD Dr. Dr. Olivier Lieger
Specialist in Oral- SSO, maxillofacial- and facial surgery FMH

Praxis Olivier Lieger
Sempacherstrasse 16, 6003 Lucerne


Prof. Dr. med. dent. & Odent.
Dr. Marc Schätzle

Specialist in Orthodontics (CH)

Alpenstrasse 1, 6004 Lucerne
